Hello everyone out there hope you are all well and enjoying May. I am happy to say that my new job is going very well I have been there 8 weeks now and the time has just flown by. My A Level Art work is all handed in so I can sit back and relax a little now . Just hope I have done enough work to get a good result oh well not a lot I can do about it now just have to wait for the results.
If you have not been to my blog before Welcome. If you are wondering what WOYWW is If you have not already been to this blog then pop over to Julia’s stamping ground and see what everyone is talking about, and visit some fantastic peoples work.
Today I would like to show you a piece I painted for my course work the topic title for my final assignment was Identify a local boundary so the boundary I chose was the Liverpool Waterfront I was pleased with the result.
I am off out with my Mum for lunch today this is the first Wednesday I have had off for 2 months and the first time I have been out with her in ages. I hope to be back later to see what you have all been up to. Thanks for reading this post and hope you all have a good day.
I hope to pop over to as many blogs as I can this week but if for some reason I don't get to you I am sorry.
Final bit for this post - I cannot go to HSNW this time - boo hoo I have to work I hope all who attend that I normally see there have a lovely day weather you are selling or buying I hope you enjoy I will be thinking of you. I am going to Aintree though so if any of you I normally see there are going maybe we could catch up with a coffee I am going Friday. lv and ((HUGS))